Today is the birthday of Tigran Petrosian
Today is the birthday of the 9th world chess champion Tigran Petrosian.
Tigran Petrosian was born on June 17, 1929.
Tigran Petrosian won the World Champion title from Mikhail Botvinnik in 1963 and successfully defended it against Boris Spassky in 1966.
He was nicknamed "Iron Tigran" due to his almost-impenetrable defensive playing style, which emphasized safety above all else.
Tigran Petrosian died on August 13, 1984. Since then, the Yerevan Chess House was renamed after the chess legend Tigran Petrosian.
A blitz chess tournament dedicated to the Tigran Petrosian's 95th anniversary will be held today at the Tigran Petrosyan Chess House-Sports School.