
Ashot Nadanian became Armenian senior chess champion

The Armenian Senior Chess Championship 2023 is concluded.

IM Ashot Nadanian, who scored 7.5 points out of 9, became the champion.

Second place was taken by Sargis Melkonyan, who scored 7 points.

Mamikon Martirosyan, who was in the lead throughout the tournament, scored 7 points and finished in the top three.

Vahan Dimaksyan and Vladimir Poghosyan, who scored 6.5 points, also received prizes, taking 4th and 5th places respectively.

The top three in the 65+ age group:
1st place: Garegin Alekyan
2nd place: Ashot Avetisyan
3rd place: Andranik Abrahamyan

Stepan Balayan, who showed the best result in the 80+ age group, also received a special prize.

We congratulate all the winners, wishing them new successes.