Arsen Yegiazaryan Memorial is concluded
The "Arsen Yegiazaryan Memorial" tournament, organized by the Yerevan Chess Federation, is concluded.
IM Jakub Kosakowski representing the Poland took the first place without losing any game and scoring 7 points out of 9.
GM Aryan Gholami representing the Iran, took the 2nd place with 6 points.
GM Giga Quparadze representing the Georgia, and FM Arsen Davtyan representing the Armenia scored 5.5 points. With additional indicators, Quparadze took 3rd place, Davtyan - 4th.
During the tournament, Jakub Kosakowski fulfilled the GM norm, and Arsen Davtyan fulfilled the IM norm.
We congratulate the winners, wishing them new victories.
Final ranking: https://chess-results.com/tnr799698.aspx?lan=11&art=1&flag=30